Nothing I love more than dressing up my room for the holiday season! Makes it feel extra cozy! This garland is an affordable option for not just mirrors but fireplace mantles as well! I use command hooks and straps to keep in place and twigs from hobby lobby for finishing touch
There are very few gifts that my wife loves more than custom matching holiday sweaters. And yes, I know it’s early, but the earlier I make them, the more we get to wear them!!! Hope everyone has a happy Holiday Season
Nothing I love more than dressing up my room for the holiday season! Makes it feel extra cozy! This garland is an affordable option for not just mirrors but fireplace mantles as well! I use command hooks and straps to keep in place and twigs from hobby lobby for finishing touch
There are very few gifts that my wife loves more than custom matching holiday sweaters. And yes, I know it’s early, but the earlier I make them, the more we get to wear them!!! Hope everyone has a happy Holiday Season
Nothing I love more than dressing up my room for the holiday season! Makes it feel extra cozy! This garland is an affordable option for not just mirrors but fireplace mantles as well! I use command hooks and straps to keep in place and twigs from hobby lobby for finishing touch